Friday, September 10, 2010


Lately, I have been reading/studying certain inspiring business manifesto's at ChangeThis. My favorites are The Bootstrapper's Bible and 25 Ways to Distinguish Yourself.

These manifesto's are written by thought-leaders whom offer considerable knowledge and insight. It's the perfect foundation on which I can build my education. We should all have manifesto's, if even for ourselves. Something tangible, evidence of what we value, and an anchor when things become uncertain.

Education is not a solitary process, it takes collaboration and exchange of ideas. So in connection with my Building Blocks post, I am in the process of engaging thought-leaders to teach a mini-course, either in the form of a one-time/recurring guest blog posts on a subject of their expertise.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Building Blocks

So, I have the idea. Now the real works starts: making the idea real.

It is a bit overwhelming, taking charge of your education/future. But it is exciting.

At first, I wanted to carefully lay out a plan, build a complex wholly integrated media website. Then, I realized I do not know how to do any of that stuff. Overplanning and over-thinking leads me to a sort of paralysis.

So, I think the best way to start is to just start. I want this blog to be a place where academics and industry professionals converge. I want to learn from the thought-leaders of the business world, whether that means academia or industry. That's possibility excites me.

My mission: find a thought-leader who is willing to share his/her knowledge and learn from them, documenting the process here so others can learn too.